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„Lately, our communication has become quite easy. Indeed we talk face-to-face in school when we meet friends but the amount of texting in our daily life has increased rapidly. Based on a Ofcom survey on the usage of mobiles, I will give you an overview on how this change influenced the way we communicate.

Starting off with the disadvantages, the first big point showing that the importance of direct conversation is still there is the possibility to appraise the mood of the other person. By concentrating on the sound of the voice for example you can react more adequate in a situation and perhaps show empathy, better than any emoji ever could.

Furthermore the relationship on a long-term view gets distant and difficult so personal closeness and honesty often are missing. This development can lead to the feeling of being able to assert many things and for instance exaggerating in some points which is not far away from starting to lie.

Otherwise having a portable device such as our mobiles in hand all the time makes it simple to have short but sufficient conversations and gives us the opportunity to look at it whenever and wherever we want without disturbing anyone. It is not necessary any longer to have a small talk first what is said to be annoying in some peoples‘ eyes.

Additionally a positive side of texting rather than talking is the rapidity of making arrangements or asking for homework. With a voice memo, all of the questions can be send compactly and nearly like in a real chat. This changes to going portable rather than talking to each other directly had been a result of the survey mentioned at the beginning.

In conclusion the invention and development of mobile devices brought us many advantages, especially more flexibility. Although that could support a less strong relationship, the face-to-face communication is still a big part of our daily life and it will always be.“

Anne, MSS1

Anm. d. Redaktion: Dieser Text wurde bewusst nicht redigiert. Er entstand als authentische Hausaufgabe im Englischunterricht und wir halten ihn einfach für einen interessanten Beitrag in einer relevanten Diskussion…